Hola familia,
This week was another really busy
week here in the office. We had a meeting with president to finalize the plans
that we have for this transfer and to plan for the next transfer. So we found
out that we need to find another house in San Francisco that we weren't
planning on finding. So yesterday we went with the assistants and looked for a
house in San Francisco. We finally found one and then had to go and buy all the
stuff for it at La Sirena so we went and bought most of the stuff and then we
have to try to move the stuff down there before Wednesday. We did all that
yesterday, Saturday, or our p-day. So we have been really busy with all the
preparations that have been going into preparing the houses for the new areas
and new missionaries.
So recently we have been trying to
work with William. He was recently baptized about 5 or 6 weeks ago, but after
he was baptized all of his neighbors started to "study the bible with
him" well as things went on he started coming up with excuses for not going
to church the first one was actually true but then the second was very
legitimate reason for not going to church, and by the third sunday that he
didn't go to church he told us that he has been "studying" with his
neighbors, and now he is filled with all these doubts. So we started to meet
with him more often, but he wasn't reading what we were leaving with him, and
he had stopped reading the book of Mormon. His girlfriend who was also baptized
the same day invited us and the sister missionaries to come for a family home
evening and it was her birthday so the sisters made a cake and everything. When
we got there She had prepared a message and everything was going great. William
had brought one of his neighbors to the party. After the message he started going
off about how the Gospel that we preach isn't true so we basically just bore
our testimonies and the sisters bore theirs and then we had to go because it
was late. A couple days later William calls us and asks us if we would go to
his house to help him understand some of the doctrines that he was confused
about and had some doubts. So we went there and he had all of his
neighbors waiting for us. We got there and there were three of them there with
their bibles and William. So we started with a pray and then we gave them some
pamphlets and asked them if they would read them, they said they would and then
they went right into trying to read scriptures and try to explain stuff. So
after a couple of minutes my companion asked them what is your purpose or what
do you want to accomplish in this lesson. The guy said, "It is to have you
guys stop believing in the Book of Mormon." The lesson was pretty much
over at that point we didn't get anywhere. They started to read scripture and
scripture and try to explain what they want to say with each scripture. We
really didn't talk much mainly because they never let us. It was a bit
frustrating because they would ask us how we interpret a certain
scripture and then they would read it and they wouldn't even wait to
have us answer. We just shared our testimonies again which was a
bit difficult to find a break in their stream of words. By the end of
the lesson we were sitting on the bed and the three of them were standing
up right in front of us all trying to talk at the same time and it was
just a mess. As we were walking out they kept following us and trying to
reiterate what they had already said. We testified again with them saying
that what we were saying isn't true and that we were confused, that they weren't
blaming us for following other people who are confused but that now that
their truth was right in front of us we should accept it. So to at
least let Elder Rondon talk for a second with William I just turned around
and just stood there and they stopped to try to talk to me and
William went with Elder Rondon a couple feet away, but he was so closed up that
he wouldn't do anything. It was really sad to she that how he is just closing
himself up and not listening. We both felt pretty weighed down and sad that
William isn't accepting the gospel anymore, but we had joy in our hearts
because the spirit had testified through us that what we had said was true.
Even if the other people there didn't feel it, our hearts were filled with
the fire of the spirit and when we testified and defended the true he was there
bearing witness.
This week we also finished our
meetings with claro and we got the new phones which I get to test out. It is
pretty cool it has a camera and has snake 3 on it but the thing that I have
been looking through is that is has internet access but only if you have a data
plan. So I have to figure out if they can some how access internet from these
phones with the plane that we have, that way it won't be as much of a
temptation for the missionaries.
This next coming week is going to be
very crazy with all the new missionaries coming and with transfers and trying
to pick up the truck and finishing the areas that we are going
to open. This transfer went by really really fast but it was pretty
awesome. We have a lot of stories and experiences.
I hope that you guys have a great
week and that everyone is doing great with school and all the other
activities. I love you guys tons!
Con Cariño
Elder Cannon
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