Wow where to start. This week has
been really really interesting.
So at the beginning of this week we
were traveling with an ex-missionary, who was the office elder when I started
the mission and we went up to Constanza the highest area in the mission to find
a new house. So that was pretty intense with the really curvy roads and
majestic views. We spent most of the day there looking for a new apartment for
the missionaries.
Then on Tuesday we had a great
meeting with the priesthood leaders of the ward. Lately the ward has been going
down hill. We are all trying to work hard to keep things going, but it seems
like the harder we try the more things go wrong. So on Tuesday we met and
brainstormed Ideas about what we can do to accomplish our goals as a ward. We
planned a little and came up with some ideas to bring up in ward conference
next week. The main thing that came out of that meeting is that they were
excited and had an idea about how we can accomplish and help the ward. Back in
February we had an average of about 108 people in sacrament meeting, but lately
it has been around 65 people in sacrament meeting. People have been moving
away, but others are just going inactive, and we couldn't figure out how to
help. So that was a great meeting.
This Sunday which was really good we
had a lot of people at church. My companion and I left the house an hour early
to go out and find people and try to get them excited about going to church. If
we can get them to go they will feel the spirit and then it will be more likely
that they will come back on their own. So we went and gave a less active family
a ride, and also a Sister from the ward that had surgery, but a couple of her
family that are less active also came so it was really great. The excitement
had seemed to really get to other people as well because a couple of the other
people that the other elders came and some that they just came. So we are
starting to see some progress and hopefully after ward council we will have a
better idea on how we are going to work together.
This week I also had to go and visit
the doctor of the mission. I went to check up on my toe. He didn't operate on
it though the way he was twisting my toe nail off and squeezing it sure felt
like he was operating on it. He said that it is still just starting, but that
it is a lot bigger then normal so if he has to operate he will have to take a
lot of the nail. So he told me to try to bend it and ease it so the toe nail
grows straight. He also gave me an antibiotic to kill the infection that I have
in my toe. So that night I took the first pill. I woke up in the middle of the
night and barely made it to the bathroom. It was just straight water. I spent
most the morning near the bathroom. I call Hermana Douglas and she call the
doctor and he said that that happens and that I needed to eat yogurt to put all
the good bacteria back into my body. So I did and with in a couple
of hours I was alright. But during those couple of hours I had a
couple close calls where it was a miracle that I made it to the bathroom
without soiling some of my clothes.
This week we also had to go down to
Santo Domingo again. We went to go and pick up new trucks. I have been working
on trying to get the trucks changed since I got in the office. We drove down
and ate lunch with a missionary that just finished his mission from our
mission. Then we changed the trucks we had 2009 Toyota Hilux, and now we have
Isuzu D-Max and they said that it is 2014, but I'm pretty sure that it is 2013
or maybe 2012, but it was new. We took off all the plastic and everything. So
that have been really nice so far. It is also Automatic and the ride is
a lot smoother.
We also had a ward activity this
week and not a lot of people went but it was a really effective activity. The
investigators that were there got to know some of the members and we played
games and then after we played a little bit of basketball. One of the guys that
we played with is a returned missionary that lives in our area. So we talked
with him a little bit and he moved into our a little while ago and hasn't been
going to church for a while. We asked if we could go by and invited him to
church. He came to church and brought his whole family who aren't members and
today we are going over there to teach them.
Well I hope that Tyler does great on
his Farewell talk! Enjoy your last weeks with him. Have a great week! I love
you all tons!
Con Cariño
Elder Cannon
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