Monday, July 1, 2013


This week has been pretty crazy with everything that is going on in the office. We are trying to get ready with transfers before this next week. So the beginning of this week we were stuck without supplies to do the moves, they were still in Santo Dominigo. So we started doing moves by taking the stuff out of our house and taking it to another house that is really far away from Santiago.

So we started with Bonao, and that move wasn't very fun because it was raining and we had to take the stuff out of a house in Bonao that is on a third floor and take it to the other house which is on a second floor so, and the tile was all wet and slippery. That took all day Wednesday.

On Thursday it was a holiday here so we really couldn't do anything with the moves and stuff because everything was closed here. So we spent our time doing the office work that we hadn't done during the rest of the week. I also am in charge of the English tests for the latins. So a missionary came in on Thursday to take the test, and as the Proctor I had to sit there and watch him during the whole test. It was so funny! he is a really great, kind guy. but during the English test they were asking him about a whole lot of different things in English and he said that he like video games and they asked him to explain why. " I like to be quiet, and to be silent to hear my mind. But sometimes I want to kill somebody, and shoot them in the head!" It was really funny and then he was trying to be angry at someone and he said, " If you no come by in 20 min I will call you and I will offend you." I was desperately trying not to laugh because it sounds like he is a bit mental or that he has problems, but that is just how his English comes out, in Spanish is really isn't like that.

We were able to do an exchange with the zone leaders from montecristi because they came in for an early morning meeting on Friday, so they went with us to go out and teach. We were able to teach a lot of people between the 4 of us. We have been working with a less active Luis and we have been working with him for a couple of weeks. He has come to church a couple of times but now he is having a couple of challenges, so we have been trying to help him out. He hasn't been coming to church for a couple of weeks, we think it is because he is in discipline so that really makes it tough for him.

The family that has been really struggling we had an activity on Wednesday, which was really sad because we were stuck in Bonao but we heard that it was really good activity and the other missionaries in our ward were able to go. When I went by on Thursday the wife seemed really happy which it has been a long time since I have seen her like that. This Sunday her and her mother both came to church, but the other family that was having a lot of doubts about the book of Mormon because we are always focusing on the book of Mormon and not so much on the bible still haven't come to church, and we are trying to really help them with their testimonies, his wife is really closed about the topic and we really can help them if they aren't willing.

Yesterday we had to do 2 moves that we both really far away so we were really busy yesterday, and it was just exhausting. This week we haven't been sleeping a ton because we get to bed late that then we get up early to get going on everything, and this next week is only going to be more busy because of transfers. I am going to once again stay in the office for another transfer as of now, unless president received more revelation.

Well I love you all and am Happy for you all now that you are out of school and home all the time. I hope that you have a great week in Camp Helaman and everything else that you guys have to do! I love you all and hope you have a great week.

Con Cariño

Elder Cannon

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