Monday, July 1, 2013


Hola Familia,

This week has been pretty good. At the beginning of this week we were traveling quite a bit. We had a Haitian family in our ward that had their visas come so they could go to Canada. Which is really good for them they are super humble and always willing to serve. So we asked for permission if we could help them out and take them to the airport in Puerto Plata. So we had to leave here at 5:30am so that we could get up there and back by 9 because we had a meeting with President. After the meeting we had to go to the other side of the mission to Cotui and finish a contract with an owner. She was pretty upset and trying to say that we hadn't paid her so that she wasn't going to give us the deposit back. So we had to show her some records and then she calmed down.

We have had some more time this week to teach and to try to help out some of the people. This week we went and visited a less active Dante that just moved into our ward, and really wants to change and has come to church two Sundays in a row, but late. So we went and passed by his house and he is really interested. He has had a lot of personal problems, his dad passed away about 2 months ago, and he wants to change his life around. the lesson was great with him he was very open. We had a lesson about the spirit and how we can have the spirit more in our lives so that we can be guided and receive guidance from God. After we shared is when he explained that he really needs to have the spirit more in his life and is really looking for guidance. He told us a little about his life and he has been playing the guitar since he was a kid. He had two star guitars and a double necked guitar that he made with an amp that he also made. He used to play in a rock band for a couple years and now he is trying to change the type of music that he is playing. He played a little bit for us and he is really amazing. He is a super humble guy and is pretty quiet.

He came to the ward missionary activity and so we were able to introduce him to a couple of people and he also plays basketball and so after the activity the young men were playing basketball so we were able to help him and let him play. He has also enrolled in two classes of institute and is really filling his life with really good things. It is really cool to see how excited he is about everything.

We also have an investigator that we contacted a long time ago. In the office we don't have a ton of time to contact and try to find the people that are prepared to accept the gospel so we really have to try to follow the spirit and to try in the small time that we have to find the people that are ready to accept the gospel so we can try to help them progress. We contacted a couple of really good contacts and were working with them for a while but they became really busy and we weren't able to find them in their houses, but one of the contacts we did we weren't able to find but I always thought we needed to pass by, but she was always working. So now we were finally able to find her and to start teaching her. She is really animated to with the things that we are teaching her she is really accepting about everything and is keeping all of her commitments. It has been a bit hard to get her to come to church because she works and hasn't been able to come because of that, but we are hoping that this week or maybe next week she will be able to go to church.

Well I hope that you guys had a great experience with Trek and that you will remember those experiences forever, it is really something special. I love you guys tons and hope you have a great week!

Con Cariño

Eder Cannon

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