Monday, July 1, 2013


So this week was pretty great. So to start off the week I got a call from Santo Domingo with one of my bosses. He we talked for a while about the cars of the mission and he told me that President's car was ready but that there wasn't anyone to bring it up here to Santiago. So I told President and he told me to go and pick it up. He also told me that there was a missionary that is going home this transfer who really wanted to go to the temple so that if we were going to go down there anyways we might as well go to the temple. So Tuesday we went and picked up the car that President was driving and then Wednesday morning we left by 6 to go to Santo Domingo.

It was pretty awesome we were able to go to the temple and Elder Rondon, now Brother Rondon because he finished his mission, he came with us to the temple. So that was really special to be able to finally visit the temple after a really long time. It was really weird while we were on our way to Santo Domingo just the feeling of leaving the mission was really weird. It was like leaving behind a special spirit and there was an empty space inside of me. It was a great trip. We had to wait there for a while because they were still finishing up with President's car on something last minute. We were able to see all my teachers from the MTC here and that was pretty cool. It was nice actually being able to carry on a conversation with them. We then traded the cars and drove back to Santiago. It was a great trip and even more so to be riding in the comforts of President's car, but we did find a problem with the car on the way home. They had replace the windshield but a small part wasn't sealed all the way so when it rained on the way home a tiny bit of water was leaking in, and  you could feel a slight breeze. I was fine with that because that just meant that I had to keep President's car for another day to go and get it fixed.

This week we also had a senior missionary couple come from Santo Domingo. They are moving here so we have been looking for apartments for them. They are from Sandy so maybe you guys would know them. The Wegeners so we spent pretty much all day Tuesday showing them apartments. It was a long day going from apartment to apartment and speaking with them and speaking with the real estate people to try to get them what they want. We finally got something that they really liked on the last apartment that we say. It was a pretty good day because they took us out to lunch at TGI Fridays, which sure beats rice and beans.

So it has been a pretty busy week, but on Monday we went to go and visit the less active family that we have been visiting. We were going there because the wife had asked my companion to talk about alcohol with the husband he has been falling really fast and we have really been trying to help them. So we went there and the husband just blew us off and pretended to be asleep, but that might also have been because he was a bit drunk. We were talking to the wife and she just needed someone to listen to her because it has been really hard for her. She really does have a testimony but this trial is so much for her. She is being so patient and is really trying to keep everything together. She has just started sewing to try to earn some more money especially now that her husband is drinking where as before he wasn't. She wants to get out of the situation because he husband is now trying to get with other ladies, but she doesn't have the financial ability to do that and if she does her husband will just try to find her again. Basically he had decided not to be happy he wants to make it impossible for the rest of the family to be happy. So we just listened her out, which made her feel better. The only thing that we could do was give her a blessing of comfort then we tried to encourage her to keep on reading and praying and then we left.

This week we were also able to do some new contacts. It was raining slightly and we were walking around contacting. It felt great. The majority of the people rejected us but we were able to find a guy that is really interested. We taught him and his son, and we hope that next time we can teach the rest of the family. We also found an older man that seems pretty interested. He can read and he seems to be understanding. It is hard because sometimes you find old people and they either don't know how to read or they really don't understand so it is really hard for them to progress, but he seems pretty interested.

Well I hope that you guys had a blast this last week being Strawberry Days and everything. that is really great about Joshua winning the relay race. I love you guys So much and hope that you have a great week!

Con Cariño

Elder Cannon

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