Monday, July 1, 2013


This week has been really crazy. It is the last week before transfers so me and my companion were running around like crazy trying to get all the houses and apartments ready for the new areas that we are trying to open. During this week we went and had to do two moves to Puerto Plata, which is about an hour and a half away. So round trip it is three hours. We had to go up there three time this week and we were working so hard that my companion ended up sleeping on some of the trips, but I had to drive, and that was with the assistants helping us if they didn't help us then we would have had to make about five trips. It has also been pretty rainy this week so trying do moves and driving in the rain makes things go a lot slower.

This transfer we have had to open 10 new areas, 5 of them had new houses and then we had to move normal missionaries for a situation that happened. So we have been doing contracts and moves all transfers we have been so busy that we barely have time for anything else. So yesterday when we were finishing up everything that we have had to do all we have left is one desk that we have to take to an area. We stopped by the mission home yesterday and talked to Hermana Douglas and she told us that there are 5 sisters who are having visa troubles or who had to change dates so now they aren't coming this transfer, but we had no idea nobody told us so now there is going to be at least one house without anyone living in it for at least a month.

This week we went and visited a family of members that are slowly progressing. We have been working with them for a while now and the dad has been coming to church now. So we went there and where planning a goal for the family to read the Book of Mormon as a family and we were trying to make it really exciting so that they will actually do it. Half way during the lesson the mom just says this isn't going to work. It was pretty awkward because everyone went silent. Before she was the one who was always working and reading the scriptures and trying to get the family to pull thing together. Now she just seemed to have lost her faith that they could actually do it. There was a really weird feeling in the room and I had no idea what do say. We sat there for a minute quiet. They were all waiting for me to give her an answer. Silently I was just praying to know what I should say. I started to talk to try to find out more about the problem, and then it just started to flow and how we could help them, and what they could do to help each other. They came up with the solution that if we came everyday and read with them then they would actually read, but that wasn't a very good solution. So we told them that we would call to remind them ever day at 8. They seems alright but the mom still looked like she wasn't very sure that it was going to work. It was a very interesting lesson. Afterward we felt good about the lesson and that the spirit had guided us to show them how they can find the problem and work it out as a family.

Well I hope that you guys had have a great week preparing for all your tests and finishing up with everything. Wow the time flies to think that you are getting close to finishing school this year. Well I love you tons!

Con Cariño

Elder Cannon 

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