Hola Familia,
This week has been very interesting.
This week we had transfers so we were very busy trying to get everything ready.
We had some late nights driving home after we finished a move.
We were able to get everything done
before the transfers.
It was pretty sad because Elder
Rondon, one of my old companions finished his mission. It was nice that I am
still in the office so I could be there in the mission home during the
testimony meeting that we had the night before he went home. He was a great
companion and really funny and it was sad to see him go.
This week in one of the new houses
that we set up we didn't have time to take everything out of the boxes and set
it all up because we didn't even get home until 10 and if we had set everything
up it would have been really late. so we told the Elders that are also in that
area to go and set it up for the sisters. Well when the sisters got there on
the stove they were missing a clamp on one side of the hose, and they started
to cook lunch and gas was leaking out into the room while they were cooking.
Then the gas hit the flame and their stove basically exploded. The sister
weren't hurt and luckily they had neighbors that helped them quickly get the
fire out. So that was a bit of a shock and the sisters were pretty shaken up.
One of them had the gym shorts that she was wearing melt right off her, but
they were hurt which was a huge blessing.
We are going through a bit of a
rough patch here in the office and it all started with the stove that exploded.
There are just a lot of houses with things going wrong. There are a couple of
houses without water, and a some that didn't have electricity because something
happened to the check that we paid with and they couldn't process it, and other
houses that have broken doors and they are just telling us now that they don't
have security. So we were really busy with all the work in the office and
trying to figure how we are going to have time for everything that we have to
do and we have to do it all really soon because they are all top priorities.
There are also a lot of missionaries losing their cell phones.
We have been trying to help a less
active family and this last week he told us that he is tired of fighting and
that he is just going to stop for a while and then maybe later he will start
again. We tired to talk to him and teach him, but he's mind is just shut and it
really doesn't matter what we say because he just says the same thing to every
question or comment. so that is a bit tough but we are tying to find a way to
help him.
We are also teaching a women who is
reading a lot and now her schedule changed and we are able to share with her
more. She understands very quickly what we are teaching and reads everything.
This week she wasn't able to go to church but we are really going to work to
get her to church this next sunday.
Well I hope that you guys had a
great first week out from school and that this next week will be even better. I
love you all tons!
Con Cariño
Elder Cannon
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