Monday, July 1, 2013


So this week has been a little bit easier but that just means that this next week is going to be harder. We have to prepare the houses for this next transfer, but we don't have materials and so we have talked to President about it and we still don't have the stoves and fridges and desks and stuff so that is just going to make next week really busy moving stuff into the new houses.

So this week we were able to go out and work some more and go to more of the meetings and stuff. So I felt really good really talking and planning with the ward leaders so we are on the same page.

Today I had to give a talk in church. So during the week I planned and prepared my talk and then when we went to church today I left my talk in the house. So I was trying to remember the scriptures and the stuff that I had prepared, but I also had to play the piano and so I did horrible on the piano and then my talk was just alright, it was a little short because I could remember all the stuff that I had, but it wasn't short my much so that was good. I spoke about Talking of Christ.

Yesterday we had a great service project in the Rehabilitation center here in Santiago so we went and cleaned it all up. We had about 80 missionaries there so it was a huge help for them. After that we were able to enjoy a little of out p-day and after we cleaned the trucks we played basketball in the rain. which was a lot of fun.

We were out trying to teach and everything was just falling through all our appointments and we tried calling people and nothing seemed to be happening. So we were just driving around and a thought came to mind to go and visit a family that we had contacted a long time ago and their house was shut and we thought that they might have moved. We went over there and it was open and so we went in and shared a short message with them. We really hadn't planned anything for them because we hadn't even put them in our plans so we just sat and talked for a little and then we started the lesson. At the end of the lesson we invited them to go to church and she said no because it was mother's day, but her 15 year old son Moses said that he wanted to go to church with us. So this morning he came to church with us. They are very Catholic and talked a lot about the catholic church but we think that he had a good experience. It was a bit of a surprise. His mom said no I can commit to do that and he just blurts out I want to go to church with you guys. 

Right after that we were really happy and we called the Lady that we had an appointment with and her Husband answered. We still haven't been able to share with her husband and he told us that she was busy getting her hair done but that we could go by on Monday and share with them both. So that really made us happy.

Well Congratulations on everything with school and piano, and baseball volleyball and dance. I hope you guys have a great week with graduations and temple visits and ordinations! I hope that you have a very special week. I love you all so much!

Con Cariño

Elder Cannon 

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