Monday, July 1, 2013


This week we have had a lot of work here in the office as usual.

We had an internal audit this week in our office. So that day the four office elders were stuck in the office. It was mainly the financial secretary and my companion and I that had to stay there. They were asking for receipts and records so we had to show them that when we paid someone they actually received the money and that we have all the proper documentations, so that was a big pain in the butt. Especially because the Lady was just trying to chew us out all the time in the little things that we didn't know we should be doing but that we should be doing. She is also making it a little harder to process the money that we need for the down payments and contract money to get the new apartments that we need to get for all the new missionaries. So we have been waiting for the process for the money to do contracts and then move all the things in the house.

On Friday the assistants had to go to Montecristi to stay the night with the zone leaders for an exchange, but they happened to take the house keys with them so we had no way of getting in the house Friday night. So we tried to figure out where we could stay the night and the only option was in the mission home. So that felt really weird to have President waiting for us to get to the mission home. It felt like having your parents waiting for you to get home. We got there and stayed the night in the mission home which was really weird. I was really hot and ended up sweating most of the night anyways. We left in the morning and went to the office. We got a phone call from the assistants that they had gotten in an accident on their way home. They were in our truck, and we were in theirs so that was really sad for us. I had to go and help them out with all the forms and reports and also getting them home because the truck doesn't run anymore. It was a really tough situation for all of us, especially for the assistants, but everyone is ok and things are being worked out. It just means a lot more work for me to do now especially with all the new areas that we have to open now with one truck less. We missed the first session of conference but we are going to watch that tonight in the office. It was a miracle with all the blessing of the Lord and how he protects his servants.

We just watched conference in the office with the assistants, with the Latins in Spanish and Elder Wilkinson and I watching it in English. It was so great, I have been spiritually recharged and I have lots of thing that I have to do now. I really loved the analogy of President Uchtdorf about how we are all toddlers learning. It really shows the love of God, and with the Mormon message that I really like about Earthly Fathers and Heavenly Fathers. The way that we can keep doing better and how we really can learn to become like God. I also really enjoyed the talk for Elder Holland about Faith and how we need to hold our the ground we have and to be true to the faith that we have. All of it was great!

The Lord has really blessed me and the people that I serve. It is so hard to describe the little thing everyday that the Lord does, without you knowing the situations. He watches over his children and blesses them everyday, we just have to be watchful and learn to recognize his hand. I know he lives, and I love him with all my heart.

I love you all so much and I wish the best for you all. Thank you all so much for your wonderful examples that you give me.

Con Cariño

Elder Cannon

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