Thursday, September 26, 2013


This week was pretty busy. We are getting ready for transfers that are coming up this next week. We found out that 10 missionaries weren't able to get visas so we have been trying to figure out what we are going to do. One of the houses that my companion and I had to find and do the move and everything isn't going to be used for the transfer that is coming. Maybe in the middle if more missionaries come but as of now it is just going to be sitting there ready to go.

On Monday we went to share with an investigator that really isn't progressing so we were going there to explain that we weren't going to pass by anymore to share and if he wanted he could find us in the church or he could give us a call when he read the pamphlet. When we got there the door was open just a little and there was their handicap brother naked in there and with another brother who is 24 years old and he was also naked in there. The one went and put a towel on. Our investigator finally showed up and we started to share with them. The brother in the towel was just making it hard because he kept making comments that were true and really straight forward and funny at the same time. While we were trying to teach the mother got home. She begs at one of the stop lights with the handicap son in a wheel chair. she explained how she doesn't have a wheelchair to take her son around and how she needed help and if she only had a wheelchair she would go to church every Sunday. then her son in the towel said," you have a wheelchair." "that wheel chair doesn't work it is broken" "Well you push him all the way to the stop light to beg surely if you were really going to go you could push him to church which is a lot closer in that wheelchair." So she left for a minute while that was going on our investigator just left us sitting there. Then the mom came back to ask us to sell Q-tips and a cube to keep the mosquitos away. to help a little baby get an operation. She started of by saying, "it says in the bible that you need to help your neighbor." We explained that we couldn't do that because we barely have time to go out and teach anyone and anyways we aren't supposed to do things like that anyways. We went to say the closing pray to just leave. They chose me and when I was done we were alone in the house with the handicap guy so we just left. It was a crazy lesson.

So on Tuesday we went to go and teach an older guy that we contacted the other day. When we got there his daughter was there. She started out by saying that she didn't want to share with us. Then she just started talking. She started out by explaining how she has an exact knowledge of the bible. Then she would explain something and then read a scripture and it some way or another she would find a way to connect the scripture in what she was saying and how the scripture answered what she was saying. It went on for a little while and my companion was getting a little annoyed about how she was trying to belittle us. I just sat there quietly waiting for my turn to share and just praying that I could have the spirit to testify. A couple minutes later a miracle happened the power went out so she couldn't read anymore. So it was my turn I started by saying that what I was going to share isn't in the bible but that doesn't make it any less true. I then bore my testimony, and sincerely invited them to test it for themselves and God would answer them. After I had finished they sat there for a second or two and then rejected. We asked if she would say the closing pray. During her pray she said that she didn't accept our message because it doesn't say the name of the book of Mormon or Joseph smith in the bible, and that if by some miracle it is true then to be understanding in why she didn't accept it. It was pretty disappointing and sad, but that happens all the time.

Other then that we have been working super hard getting ready for Transfers doing a couple of moves and traveling lots, but it has been going.

I love you guys tons and hope that you guys have a blast this week! keep up the great work with swim team and piano.

Con Cariño

Elder Hunter Cannon

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