Thursday, September 26, 2013


Back to the field!

So last night I finally moved. I was hoping to be in my area by the afternoon to plan a little with my new missionary, and meet with the ward mission leader. Then things started to get a little complicated. The new office missionary is in the hospital and hasn´t left yet. So yesterday i had to go into the office and put all the new minutes on everybodies phones, and the system had some problems so that was a bit hard and took a long time. Then I also had to give an english test to one of the missionaries that was finishing his mission yesterday. By the time that was all done I didn´t have my truck because other people were still looking for all the missionaries and bags and stuff. So one of them had all my lugage so we couldn´t go to our area until someone brought me my stuff. We ended up having dinnner in the mission home and then after i had to run even more errands. We got to the house at 9ish. It was a mess. They have just finished building the apartments. So it was just so dusty and dirty. We had to set up all the stuff like beds and stove and fridge, but it was nice because all the office elders helped us. We got to be late and this morning we had to just clean because it was so messy and all our stuff was still packed up.

This last week was pretty busy we were finishing up all the moves and little things for transfers. We were just passing the members house to say goodbye and to take a picture with them. We were just done and we were going to go and contact a little to try to find more investigators, and just as we were about to leave a member showed up at the house. It was a member that i recognized but didn´t really know because he only came ever now and again. He walked in and stopped and just about fell on his face. I was right there so i caught him and caught a huge whif of rum. So i sat him down on a chair so he didn´t fall over. He was so drunk. He grabbed me so I just sat there next to him and he told me that he wasn´t going back to church. I tried to just calm him down because i knew he would remember if i tried to teach him anything. So I just told him he could and that we would help him, and by the end he was telling us that he can do it. After he did that he started to cray. He grabbed my arm, which drunk guys are pretty strong and tried to rip my arm off. He was pulling and hugging my arm, and crying. then he kissed my arm. So i told me that we could take him to his house to go to sleep. So we took him to his little one room house. He was starting to keep a little angry again. I was talking to him and then he just started yelling and turned from the door as if he was going to just beat the crap out of me. I just braced for the impact of his fist in my stomach and tried to step back and my companion thought so too so he stepped closer to try to grab is arm, but he didn´t we put him in his house and left him there. then we went back and washed our hands and when we came out of the bathroom he was there on the porch again in the chair. So we just left hi with the members there. He told me lots of time the he just loved me lot. It was pretty crazy.

Well I hope that you guys have a great week and that you guys are loving school! Amanda´s house looks really good and it seems to be coming along really quickly. I love yu guys Tons!!

Con Cariño

Elder Hunter Cannon

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