This week has been pretty crazy. We
have been getting everything ready for transfers that are coming up. I am also
finishing up training the new office elder because I am leaving this transfer.
As now if there aren't last minute changes involved I am going to be opeing up
a new area in Villa Gonzalez, a small town just outside of Santiago, and I will
be training a new missionary. So that has been pretty interesting.
This week with the office work one
of the houses failed on us last minute so we had to find a new apartment and do
the contract really fast and had to do 4 moves with all the fridges and washers
and stoves and beds, desks the whole deal. So that was pretty crazy. One was in
Nagua and the others where here in Santiago. I also had to go to Bonao with the
financial secretary to pay for a missionary who is in the hosptial. This
missionary really inspired me. We went there and I found out that she is
alergic to mosquitos and when they bit her they turn into blisters and then
explode. Because of that is now infected and her whole leg is infected. On top
of that she has a really bad ingrown toe and finger nail and are just narly.
Then on top of all that the doctors thinks she has diabetes and it is very
likely that she has diabetes. When we got there to pay the bills at the
hospital. She came out with a huge sincer smile on her face and shook our hands
and we asked how she was and said I'm great. She is just always so happy, she
is such a great example.
Well this week a couple in the ward
came home off of their mission. They were serving in the Temple down in Santo
Domingo and they came back ready to work, so we are pretty happy because they
have already started talking with the bishop to try to help excite everybody to
work really hard and reactivate the members and to find new investigators. We
talked to them today and they have a couple of pretty good ideas but we just
have to work now because we already have a lot of good ideas and have agreed on
them but they are just in the air and never get put into action. We hope that
this will help the ward a little bit more get back on its feet.
So something really funny happened
this week we were taking the other office elders to their house to drop them
off. When we got there and they were just getting out of the truck a crazy
drunk guy came over to them. He tried to talk to us in English a little bit and
then spotted my companion. He came over to my companion's window and tried to
get him to roll down the window. Mean time I was telling the other elders to
get out of the truck and go for the door. The guy was kissing his hat and
making weird signs to my companion and I. Then we started to drive away. The
crazy guy instantly turned to the other missionaries. Who by this time were
just going in the door to their apartment building. They got in and instantly
started running the stairs up to the third floor. We could see them through the
window in the stair case. We called them to make sure they were ok and that the
crazy guy hadn't followed them. They told us that he was out in the middle of
the parking lot talking to the cars. Right then he turned and looked at them,
and headed for the door of the apartment building. They were freaking out on
the phone and turned off all their lights and jumped in their beds. They guy
never went in the apartment building, but it was really funny.
Well I love you guys and hope that
your first week of school was a blast. Congratulations on all of the ribbons
from the Fair. I love you guys tons and I'll talk to you next week!
Les Quiero Muchisísimo,
Elder Cannon
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