Thursday, September 26, 2013


This week has been great.

We are starting to see some of the fruits of our efforts of contacting. We have also had a little bit of help from the members when they leave with us to show us where some members live so that we can work with them. This last sunday there were four less actives that came to church that we have been working with. It was really great. We are also working a lot with a family of four, the parents and two kids 8 and 9 years old. The sisters had been working with them before and now we are working with them to try to help them progress. They are really starting to progress. The dad especially. He told us that his life has been changing since he has been reading the things that the missionaries have been leaving. This week he got hired on the pay roll to a company and it seems like things are just getting better for them.

We were in a lesson with them this week and we were teaching about the 10 commandments and we came to the Day of Rest and we were explaining it. He plays baseball normally Sundays in the afternoon and after we explained it he asked us if baseball was a big deal to play on sunday, and told him that God is more important to him than baseball. We explained a little more about it and then let him make his own disicion and he seemed very happy about that, it seemed to me that he is going to try to get in a league to play on Saturday instead of Sunday. They are doing great. The mom is a little more shut to the message but little by little she is opening up. This week she even prayed to finish off one of the lessons. 

It has been raining a lot here this past week. We basically lived wet from soaked to damp. We have also been walking a lot this week. We took one afternoon to walk to this area that is really far out there to see what we can do there, because there are some members and a lot of less actives that live out there. We walked for a staight hour and we finally got there. We felt like we should finally ask someone if we were there yet and they pointed to the street right there. We turned down the street ready to just start contacting. The first house we walked by I noticed out of the corner of my eye a picture of the temple in the far wall of the house. So we stopped and it was the relief society president. We asked where some people lived and so we started there and found 2 family members of a new member who seem really excited and then also some less actives. It was inspiracion.

We also had some more problems with the division of our area. The sisters don´t feel very safe is some areas in their half. So we talked to the branch president to redo the divisions and what he decided is that we aren´t going to have divisions we are just going to work as a team. So that is going to be a little tricky. I now have to try to guide the work in my district so that we actually work all of Villa Gonzalez and not just the center part. 

So our area is super big. We have to walk for an hour straight from our house without stopping to get to the last neighborhood on one side and an hour straight from the house in the other direction to get to the last neighborhood in that dirrection. And we still don´t know how wide it really is but it is big especially because of all the tabacco fields. We have heard of another area that is super far away that is part of our area, but I am not exactly sure if it is or not. That one would be like 2 hours straight walking from the house to get there. and 2 hours back. so that is going to be hard of that actually is part of our area.

I hope that you guys have a great week! I hope  that Amanda got all moved in and everything is great. I didn´t get the letter about Grandpa Nowers and having that in his kidneys but I will pray for him.

Con Cariño 

Elder Cannon

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